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Coronavirus is a respiratory virus that can cause flu like symptoms such as fever, cough, fatique, myalgias, shortness of breath, loss of a sense of smell and taste.  Symptoms can range from mild to severe.  Severe cases have caused significant morbidity and mortality worldwide.  It is primarily spread by respiratory droplets and it is important to wash your hands regularly and not touch your face.

Coronavirus and the Eye

Coronavirus can present as a viral pink eye (conjunctivitis) in a small percentage of patients.   It affects the eyes in approximately 1-3% of patients and may present as a red, swollen puffy eyes with watery discharge.

Eye Surgery Institute

At the time I am writing this blog, Dr. Cindy Wang and I have been adhering to the recommendations of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and the CDC.  We have closed our office to all routine appointments.  We are still available daily for emergent issues.  Please call our office to arrange an appointment if you are having an urgent issue.  I am also available for video conference appointment if the issue is one that can be addressed remotely.

If you do come into our office for an appointment, we have instituted additional safety and hygiene precautions to minimize any risk.  We are also spacing appointments so that contact with others can be minimized.  Dr. Cindy Wang and I are available and happy to see both new and established patients for urgent issues at this time.  We hope to resume normal operations once it is safe to do so.  We have staff available during the business day to answer your phone calls at (313) 582-8856 and you can also book either a virtual appointment or an appointment in our office using the contact form.

Alaina Kronenberg MD
Eye Surgery Institute
15212 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48126