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What is the Vitreous?

The vitreous is similar to a clear viscous gel and it fills the back part of the eye and helps to maintain the shape of the eye.  It fills the space behind the lens in our eye to our retina.   The vitreous has fibers that attach to our retina.  It is normal for the vitreous to shrink and liquefy with age.   It often eventually separates from the back of the eye.  This is called a vitreous detachment.

What is Vitreous Degeneration?

Vitreous degeneration is when the vitreous liquefies and shrinks.  The fibers that attached to the retina can separate from the retina with time.  This is caused a vitreous detachment.

It is normal for this to occur with age.  If you have had previous cataract surgery, trauma or high myopia the vitreous can often degenerate faster that it otherwise would.

What is a Vitreous Detachment?

A vitreous detachment is when the vitreous pulls away from the retina.  This is very common especially after age 80.  You may experience new floaters in your vision and you may see flashes or lightening streaks of light in your vision when this is occurring.  This can be very scary and worrisome for you!

It is normal for you to notice floaters of different shapes and sizes.  You may see the floater as more circular or more linear in shape.  The floaters may move around in your vision and sometimes can interfere with your vision.  Most people get used to the floaters with time and they often become less bothersome and not as noticeable.

What Should I Do if I Notice New Floaters?

If you notice new floaters or flashes of light, it is important that you have a dilated examination.   It is important that Dr. Cindy Wang or I ensure that there is no retinal tear or retinal detachment.   This would need immediate treatment to ensure no vision loss occurs.   It is important that you call our office immediately if you notice any new floaters or flashes.

Alaina Kronenberg, M.D.
Cataract Specialist
Comprehensive Ophthalmologist
Dearborn, Michigan 48126