There is a lot of information your friends or family may say about your eyes.  Do you ever wonder if what they say is really true?  Should you follow their advice?  There is a lot of confusion regarding what is really true about your eye health.  Dr. Cindy Wang and I can discuss your concerns in our office.  Here is some information regarding common eye myths.

1: You should not have cataract surgery until it is “ripe”

A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens in your eye.  Most people develop a cataract as they age.  You should consider having cataract surgery when you are unhappy with your vision with your glasses on during your daily activities.  Cataract surgery is a relatively safe, outpatient eye surgery.  It is important that we perform a comprehensive eye examination to check for other conditions that can be affecting your vision.

2: You should not read in dim light

It is not harmful for your eyes to read in dim light.  Reading in dim light may make your eyes feel strained or tired, but it will not cause any long term damage.

3:  It is bad for my eyes if I sit too close to the television

It will not harm your eyes if you are sitting too close to the television.  If your child insists on sitting close to the television, you may want to make sure they have normal vision.  I recommend they have an eye examination to check for the need for glasses as well as other eye problems.

4: I don’t really need safety glasses

Severe eye injuries can often happen when you are least expecting it.  It is important to use eye protection to prevent injuries that can lead to blindness.  It is especially important to use safety eye protection if you have poor vision in one of your eyes.

5: My Children Should Not Sit Too Close to the TVEye myths | Alaina Kronenberg MD

Your children will not suffer any damage to their eyes if they sit too close to the television.  If your child insists on sitting close, you may want to schedule a comprehensive eye examination to ensure that no glasses are needed and that no other eye problems are present.

6: If My Eye Doctor Feels I Need a Stronger Glasses Prescription, I Will Become Too Dependent on the Glasses if I Fill the Prescription

It is important to wear glasses with the correct prescription to provide the best vision possible.  Your eyes will not worsen if you wear the correct pair of glasses or contacts.  Children’s glasses prescription can often get stronger in the teenage years. Having the proper prescription in their glasses will allow them to see properly at school, for sports and for when the start to drive.

7: It is Dangerous to Wear Someone Else’s Glasses

Wearing another person’s glasses may cause a headache, eye strain and blurry vision.  It will not cause any permanent damage to your eyes.  It is important to have a comprehensive eye examination and be checked for glasses.

8: Using My Eyes Will Them Wear Out

Using your eyes for daily activities will not cause any damage to your eyes.  You cannot damage your eyes by reading too much, being on your computer too much or watching too much television.  Your eyes may feel tired and fatigued from the concentrated tasks though.

9: If you lot a lot of carrots it will improve your vision.

Carrots have beta-carotene and are a good source of vitamin A.  Eating carrots will not improve your eye site regardless how many you eat.  It is always important to maintain a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables.

Eye Myths | Eye Surgery Institute | Alaina Kronenberg MD

10:  Reading in the dark can damage your eyes.

We have all read in the dark.  The only thing this will cause is eye fatigue.  Your eyes will become tired a bit quicker causing words to seem blurry but this is only temporary and no permanent damage has been done to your vision.

11:  Starring at the computer all day will ruin your eyes.

When you stare at anything for an extended period of time you tend to blink less causing dryness and eye strain but will not affect your vision.  This can occur with reading, any kind of screen use, even watching tv or driving for a long time.  It is recommended for you to take regular breaks and frequently glance away from the computer when working for an extended amount of time.  Sometimes an artificial tear drop can help with eyes that feel tired or blurry.  Staring at the computer will not cause permanent damage to your vision.  If your eyes constantly feel dry with prolonged screen time Dr. Cindy Wang and I can evaluate you and offer treatments to help make your eyes more comfortable.

12:  Crossing your eyes will make them stay crossed forever.

When you cross your eyes to be funny it may cause some laughs from your friends but it will not cause permanent damage to your eyes.  Afterwords, your eyes will return to the normal position.  This will not cause any permanent problems to your eyes.

Alaina Kronenberg, M.D.
Cataract Specialist
Comprehensive Ophthalmologist
Dearborn, Michigan 48126

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